The next preview trailer - No it does not have the Balrog in it. It is
very very good - much better than the 1st one. I do not know when it is
going to be shown - very soon (within a week) I would guess.
There is a lot in the thing - some things just one frame. But I had not
noticed (or forgot) there is a very brief scene where the orcs are coming down
the pillars (looks OK to me), A scene where Galadriel and Frodo are facing each
other, you see a nice close up of the ring (with fire runes visible), there is
some sort of "fire-bird" swooping down on the shire (I guess it's in
the shire - there are hobbits), - I do not remember it either from LOTR, at
first I thought it was just some magical fireburst, but after looking at again
it is definately a pterydactyl-looking bird swooping down on a hobbit. It is
transparent - like made of fire - very brief shot. [Gandalf's fireworks? -Tehanu]
There's shots of the party oaring canoes of some sort. As I've said the
important thing (to me anyway) it's a very nicely done trailer and I hope it
generates a lot of buzz in the general public. I can't wait to see it on
the big screen!
It opens with a beautiful aerial shot of some forest region with a river
running through it. Then we see Gandalf (looking very afraid and haggard
!?) asking if the ring is safe -- to Frodo. Then we hear some narration
about the ring and see Mt Doom in the distance (not too realistic). There
are multiple fight scenes (very cool), we hear more dialog (all very good),
There is some breathtaking scenery. One very cool scene we hear Gollum say
"My precious" and make... well a "gollum". This comes
right after Frodo says "There's something down there" Very well
done I might add - very creepy voice.
Near the end, Aragorn asks Frodo if he is afraid and he replies yes then
Strider says "Not nearly afraid enough" - Very well done -- Very very
good trailer - should get a lot of people excited.
There is more of course, I don't have photographic memory or anything.
Some things I have not seen on some of the pictures so far - Ringwraiths shown
in negative, a female being chased by a number of cloaked riders (aerial view),
There is some footage of the council with Boromir saying "The Ring is a
gift from the enemy - let us use it against him," then Aragorn saying
"No one can wield the Ring" All in all I was very excited to see
this!! You will not be disappointed. The only thing I noticed is that
Gandalf looked a bit crazy, not like the calm wizard I imagined.
One other scene comes to mind - Gandalf (I think) narrating about theRring
says, "Sauron could bring a second darkness on the land if found," and
"his whole mind is bent on finding it" or something like that.
Very exciting stuff. BTW the sound was incredible!
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27.1. 2009 Pokud o tom náhodou ještě nevíte, tak 28. května bude v Praze zahrána Symfonie Pán prstenů! Detaily najdete a lístky můžete objednávat ZDE 9.4. 2008 Na adrese najdete pozvánku na letošní LOTRcon ve dnech 27.6 - 29.6 2008, pásma na téma nejen Pán prstenů jako součásti Festivalu Fantazize. 5.3. 2007 Máte radi fantasy a sci-fi? Baví Vás história Slovanov? Ste blázni do mangy a anime? Alebo si chcete len prísť vyskúšať DDR či Sing Star ? Ak ste aspoň na jednu otázku odpovedali pozitívne, potom niet lepšej voľby ako navštíviť Slavcon 2007. Pestrý trojdňový program len za 200 Sk v predpredaji a za 250 Sk na mieste. Pre bližsie informácie navštívte stránku, kde sa môžete priamo zaregistrovať. (akci pořádá Spoločenstvo Tolkiena, kon 15.11. 2005 Dne 17.11.2005 od 14h se v sále HAMU uskuteční koncert Pražského Filmového Orchestru (viz. malá recenze). I tentokrát je krom hudby J. Williamse připravena The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Howarda Shorea. Více informací na stránkách PFO 10.1. 2005 Palace Cinemas Slovanský dům mají na programu maraton všech rozšířených verzí Pána prstenů. Bohužel startuje o půlnoci z 18. na 19. ledna (úterý na středu), což při dvanácti hodinách filmu není dvakrát ideální čas. Tohle rozhodně není poslední příležitost, takže se nemusíte snažit zlikvidovat v takto nelidský termín a v klidu můžete počkat. A nebo zajít jen na rozšířený Návrat krále...